Democratic Party
creating a community for everyone
Can you give $24/month in 2024?
Your generous donation helps us support local Get Out The Vote organizing, and educating voters about the candidates. Local Dollars for Local Democrats Every dollar raised by the Granville County Democratic Party stays within our community. No money will ever be sent to Washington or Raleigh. Your gifts will be put to work here in our own backyard.
The 2024 Elections
Learn more about the local Democratic candidates running in the 2024 Elections, along with other important election information to make it easier than ever for you to be an informed voter.
Studies show that phone banking is 4x as effective as any other method of reaching voters, and canvassing is TEN TIMES as effective as anything else. That’s why we’re focusing our efforts on these kinds of local outreach. But we have plenty of support needs, too! Whether a short-term event, project, or longer-term commitment, we welcome you to join the effort in defending democracy.
Get Involved in the Granville County Democratic Party
Click Here to find resources for Voting information including the new Voter ID laws for 2024, Information on how to contact your Representatives, and More!
Keep in contact though your favorite social media platform
We want you to know all the latest news of what’s going on with the Granville County Democratic Party in whatever way is most convenient for you so we have multiple ways of keeping in contact. We have an email newsletter, Facebook Page, Twitter, Instagram, and Mobilize for meetings and Events. And you can contact us Here.
New to Granville County? Welcome, Neighbor!
There’s always so much to take care of when you move to a new home! Along with unpacking all those boxes, take a few moments to make sure your voter registration is updated before the next election. We’ve got all the links you need right here. And feel free to stop by one of our meetings or volunteer events (it’s okay if you aren’t a currently registered Democrat! Our meetings our made up of Granville County Democrats and Independents) and get to know your new neighbors and make some friends!